Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We Gettin' Edumacated: Natural Childbirth at Its Finest

In line with our quest for a completely unmedicated, natural childbirth, in addition to selecting an out-of-hospital birthing location (more on that in a future post), we enrolled ourselves in classes for a brand-new method of natural childbirth called Brio Birth.  I was introduced to the idea of this new method while acting as a labor support person for some dear friends of ours. They asked me to attend classes for The Bradley Method of Husband Coached Childbirth with them.  That's where I met the most amazing woman in the field of childbirth education, Angela Taylor, of Taylor Your Birth.  Angie, as we call her, is a living, breathing encyclopedia of all things childbirth, breastfeeding, and beyond.  When it came time for us to choose our childbirth educator, there was no choice; it HAD to be Angie.